Chapter 12 : Null & NaN Column¶
Chapter Learning Objectives¶
Various data operations on Null & NaN columns.
Chapter Outline¶
import pyspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession \
.builder \
.appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value") \
from IPython.display import display_html
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def display_side_by_side(*args):
for df in args:
html_str+= "\xa0\xa0\xa0"*10
display_html(html_str.replace('table','table style="display:inline"'),raw=True)
space = "\xa0" * 10
import panel as pn
css = """
div.special_table + table, th, td {
border: 3px solid orange;
1a. How to count the Null & NaN in Spark DataFrame ?¶
Null values represents “no value” or “nothing” it’s not even an empty string or zero. A null value indicates a lack of a value
NaN stands for “Not a Number” It’s usually the result of a mathematical operation that doesn’t make sense, e.g. 0.0/0.0
Unlike Pandas, PySpark doesn’t consider NaN values to be NULL.
Input: Spark dataframe
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None, 3,float('nan')), (6,5, 2.0), (5,5, float("nan")),
(8, None, 2.0), (12,21,3.0),], ["a", "b","c"])
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
|-- a: long (nullable = true)
|-- b: long (nullable = true)
|-- c: double (nullable = true)
Count of NaN in a Spark Data Frame
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan, when, count, col[count(when(isnan(c), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
| a| b| c|
| 0| 0| 2|
Count of Null in a Spark Data Frame[count(when(col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
| a| b| c|
| 1| 1| 0|
Count of Null and NaN in a Spark Data Frame[count(when(isnan(c) | col(c).isNull(), c)).alias(c) for c in df.columns]).show()
| a| b| c|
| 1| 1| 2|
1b. How to filter the rows that contain NaN & Null?¶
Input: Spark dataframe containing JSON column
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None, 3,float('nan')), (6,5, 2.0), (5,5, float("nan")),
(8, None, 2.0), (12,21,3.0),], ["a", "b","c"])
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
Learn to build the Boolean Expressions¶
from functools import reduce
filter_remove_nan_null_rows =reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, [~isnan(col(x)) for x in df.columns]+[col(x).isNotNull() for x in df.columns])
Column<b'((((((NOT isnan(a)) AND (NOT isnan(b))) AND (NOT isnan(c))) AND (a IS NOT NULL)) AND (b IS NOT NULL)) AND (c IS NOT NULL))'>
from functools import reduce
| a| b| c|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
df.where(~isnan(col("c")) & ~isnan(col("b"))).show()
| a| b| c|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
| a| b| c|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| a| b| c|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
Output : Spark dataframe containing individual JSON elements
1c. How to replace Null values in the dataframe?¶
Input: Spark dataframe containing Null and NaN column
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None, 3,float('nan')), (6,5, 2.0), (5,5, float("nan")),
(8, None, 2.0), (12,21,3.0),], ["a", "b","c"])
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
Output : Spark dataframe containing individual JSON elements
| a| b| c|
|1000| 3|1000.0|
| 6| 5| 2.0|
| 5| 5|1000.0|
| 8|1000| 2.0|
| 12| 21| 3.0|
Filling only for selected columns
| a| b| c|
|1000| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
Filling with a different value for each of the Null Column
| a| b| c|
|1000| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|500|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
print("Input ", "Output")
print(" ", "Filling all columns"," ", "Filling selected columns"," ", "Filling a different value")
print(" ", "with a same value"," ", " " "for each column")
display_side_by_side(df.toPandas(),df.fillna(1000).toPandas(), df.fillna(1000,subset=["a"]).toPandas(),
Input Output
Filling all columns Filling selected columns Filling a different value
with a same value for each column
a | b | c |
NaN | 3.0 | NaN |
6.0 | 5.0 | 2.0 |
5.0 | 5.0 | NaN |
8.0 | NaN | 2.0 |
12.0 | 21.0 | 3.0 |
a | b | c |
1000 | 3 | 1000.0 |
6 | 5 | 2.0 |
5 | 5 | 1000.0 |
8 | 1000 | 2.0 |
12 | 21 | 3.0 |
a | b | c |
1000 | 3.0 | NaN |
6 | 5.0 | 2.0 |
5 | 5.0 | NaN |
8 | NaN | 2.0 |
12 | 21.0 | 3.0 |
a | b | c |
1000 | 3 | NaN |
6 | 5 | 2.0 |
5 | 5 | NaN |
8 | 500 | 2.0 |
12 | 21 | 3.0 |
1d. How to replace NaN values in the dataframe?¶
Input: Spark data frame
df = spark.createDataFrame([(None, 3,float('nan')), (6,5, 2.0), (5,5, float("nan")),
(8, None, 2.0), (12,21,3.0),], ["a", "b","c"])
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|NaN|
| 6| 5|2.0|
| 5| 5|NaN|
| 8|null|2.0|
| 12| 21|3.0|
Output : Spark data frame with a struct column with a new element added
| a| b| c|
|null| 3|10.0|
| 6| 5| 2.0|
| 5| 5|10.0|
| 8|null| 2.0|
| 12| 21| 3.0|